Marketing Made Easy! Practice Made Perfect!

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Bankruptcy Database

BK Data™ was developed specifically with bankruptcy attorneys in mind as a tool to give you the edge over your competition and streamline your business operations.

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Guided Marketing

BK Data's™ Heat Maps can show you geographical hot spots of filings in your area. Find out who is filing, what type of filing and even analyze discharge or dismissal rates. With BK Data™ you can learn where to target potential clients, search specifics in filing details, and even scout satellite office locations.

Competitor Analysis

BK Data™ gives you the competitive edge over other local bankruptcy attorneys. You can find out where your competitors are filing, the types of filings, review their discharge or dismissal rate, and even reveal their own marketing strategies. BK Data™ is your tool to "spy" on the competition.

Streamlined Operations

BK Data™ includes many features that can make your law practice more efficient. Track case details and progress, organize all of your court appointments into a simple calendar, and create alerts that notify you of changes to appointment or client details.

Predictable Pricing

BK Data™ operates on a fixed pricing system, so you know exactly how much your service fee will be each month. We take on the burden of the variability of the court charges and provide you with the same access to information plus so much more for one fixed cost each month.

What Our Client's Say

I have described marketing the practice without this data "as flying in the dark." BKData is invaluable. It has saved us invaluable time and expense compiling the filing information from PACER and monitor the effectiveness of our various advertising campaigns, those of our colleagues, and target certain cities and geographical areas where the highest level of filing activity occurs.

Andrew S. Mansfield BK Data Review
Andrew S. Mansfield
Higson Cheney Mansfield, PC

I consult BKData at least once a week, usually twice, to see how I'm doing compared to my competition. It helps me target my pay-per-click advertising; and also helps me to decide where my offices should be. My highly successful office in Stafford VA was located based on what I learned from BKData, and I'm moving my location in Sterling VA a couple miles, also based on what BKData tells me. BKData helps me understand the size of the over-all market.

Robert Weed Bk Data Review
Robert Weed
Robert Weed Bankruptcy Firm

I have been using BKData since 2011 and the program is incredible. I love the fact that I can easily see how I am doing compared to my competition. Not only that, but the fact that I can tell where people live in my state that are filing has helped me in not only my marketing but in deciding where to open new offices to be closer to my potential clients. I would highly recommend BKData.

Theron Morrison BK Data Review
Theron Morrison
Theron D. Morrison P.C.
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Bk Packet

Bankruptcy Packet

Streamline Your Petition Process

BK Packet™ is a software program that allows your clients to fill out their bankruptcy questionnaire information online! No more wasted paper through lengthy forms or delayed petition filings! Your clients can use our secure system to complete their petition and expedite your filing process.

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Yes Review

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As a local business, your referrals and testimonials help you grow. Yes Review makes it easier to get powerful online reviews that deliver value to your business.

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